Our services

The gold standard in transportation, courier, distribution and storage

Our team will be happy to meet your courier and delivery needs, and you can count on our storage and distribution solutions.

We cover the entire Montreal area as well as the Laurentians.

Don’t have a client account yet?
Open a client account with us and enjoy many advantages. Manage your orders and deliveries more easily and benefit from payment terms.


Enjoy a fast, flexible shipping service

Our courier service lets you send your letters, packages or pallets with confidence.

We offer a variety of delivery and pick-up options to meet all your courier needs.


Experience an efficient trucking service

For your large shipments, Groupe V offers access to a comprehensive vehicle fleet, with same-day transport available.

Our trucking service combines speed, efficiency and low rates.



Enjoy customized storage service

Our Laval warehouse is heated and secured to accommodate your transit goods for short, medium or long term.

Enjoy completely secure warehousing of your products, in a space customized to your needs.


Entrust your product distribution to us with complete confidence

Our team will manage the distribution of the goods we are storing for you.

This service applies to our entire delivery area, according to your requirements.